Rates and services
The Single Window has boxes in its different offices where users can make the necessary purchases and payments that involve some previous processes of foreign trade.
Note: To make payments is used the exchange rate of Sale (of the day) of the United States dollar according to the Central Bank which you can consult in the following link:
List of items and prices
View here the list of items and prices you can buy through the VUCE.
Nombre artículo | Costo |
Formulario de Autorización de Desalmacenaje (FAD) Documento físico | $ 3 |
Derechos electrónicos de FAD | $ 3 |
Certificado de Banano-AACE | $ 3 |
Certificado de origen China | $ 3 |
Certificado de origen EFTA | $ 3 |
Certificado de origen EUR1 | $ 3 |
Certificado de origen SGP | $ 3 |
Certificado de libre venta Centroamericana | $ 3 |
Declaración de Valor en Aduana | $0.25 |
Marchamos de Zona Franca | $ 3 |
Derechos electrónicos de FAD | $ 3 |
PROCOMER bank account numbers
Legal ID: 3-007-196350 PROCOMER
Bank Entity | Account NO. | IBAN Account | Electronic Account | Type of Currency |
Banco de Costa Rica | 200902-1 | CR68015201001020090211 | 001-200902-1 | Colones |
Banco de Costa Rica | 200900-5 | CR39015201001020090054 | 001-200900-5 | Dólares |
Banco Nacional de C.R. | 212962-5 | CR78015100010012129620 | 100-01-000-212962-5 | Colones |
Banco Nacional de C.R. | 611817-8 | CR30015100010026118175 | 100-02-000-611817-8 | Dólares |
Box services
- Purchase of Free Trade Zone march.
- Purchase of electronic rights (FAD) for the VUCE system.
- Purchase of pre-printed forms.
*Card payment is not accepted in any VUCE
Johnny Prado
Marco Salazar